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Please find and select the fund(s) you want to support.

5 Results for

5 Results for

5 Results for

Wafa Family Endowed Scholarship

Income from gifts will support scholarships for undergraduate students at IUPUC who have demonstrated financial need and demonstrated academic promise.

IUPUC Division of Education Minority Scholarship

Gifts support undergraduate scholarships for full-time juniors or seniors in the Teacher Education program at IUPUC. Special consideration will be given to underrepresented populations, with preference to students of African American or Hispanic descent.

IUPUC Scholarship Fund

Gifts will support scholarships for students attending IUPUC.

IUPUC Education Minority Endowed Scholarship

Income from gifts supports scholarships for full-time juniors or seniors in the Teacher Education Program at IUPUC. Special consideration will be given to underrepresented populations with preference to students of African American or Hispanic descent.

IUPUC Pride Pantry

Gifts will support the Pride Pantry at IUPUC.