Make a gift

Please find and select the fund(s) you want to support.

5 Results for

5 Results for

5 Results for

Business and Economics Accounting Scholarship

Gifts will support scholarships for IU Kokomo students in the School of Business and Economics who have an interest in the study of accounting and have a record of academic excellence

School of Business Travel Fund

Gifts will support educational and travel study opportunities for students and/or faculty in the IU Kokomo School of Business, with preference given to international study opportunities.

Marilyn Kintzele Accounting Scholarship

Income from gifts will support undergraduate scholarships for incoming freshman who intend to major in accounting. Specific requirements must be met for students to receive funding.

IUK School of Business Fund for Excellence

Gifts will support the School of Business at IU Kokomo.


These gifts will be used to support students who are participating in the IU Kokomo Enactus program.