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8 Results for

8 Results for

8 Results for

Ronald & Lauren Cram and Rehab Strategies PT Perseverance Fellowship

Income from gifts will support graduate fellowships for third year students majoring in Physical Therapy within the School of Health and Human Sciences at IUPUI. Additional requirements must also be met for students to receive funding.

IUPUI Department of Physical Therapy Student Community Engagement

Income from gifts will support students in the Department of Physical Therapy who are actively involved in the Indiana University Student Outreach Clinic or other community engagement program endorsed by the School and IUPUI

Brown/Ekstam PT Scholarships

Income from gifts will support graduate scholarships in Physical Therapy within the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. Specific requirements must be met in order for students to receive funding.

William D. Porter Award

Income from gifts will support awards to graduating students in the Physical Therapy Program for payment of the first year physical therapy professional organization dues. Specific requirements must be met for students to receive funding.

Physical Therapy Faculty Choice Scholarship - Research/Service

Gifts will support research and/or service scholarships to third-year students enrolled in entry-level Doctor of Physical Therapy program

Veterans' Wellness Endowed Fund

Income from gifts will support research regarding veterans' rehabilitation that is being conducted by faculty in the School of Health and Human Sciences.

Student Outreach Clinic - Physical Therapy

Gifts will support Physical Therapy student involvement in the activities of the Indiana University Student Outreach Clinic.

Zachary H. Gregory Emerging Leadership Scholarship

Income from gifts will support scholarships for PT students in the School of Health & Human Sciences at IUPUI who are at the end of their didactic curriculum demonstrating emerging traits of both academic and professional leadership.