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Pride of IU Stories

Two people in a canoe on the White River Canal

You Gotta Regatta

The 14th annual Regatta took place at Indianapolis’s downtown canal and Military Park on Saturday, September 24, 2022. Photo by Liz Kaye, Indiana University.

Campus Scenes


IU has incredible stories to tell. Pride of IU Stories is where we tell them.

Stories that bring the IU experience to you through words, photos, and videos. Stories that showcase pioneering scholars in action, groundbreaking research at work, and IU students and alumni making their marks on the world. Pride of IU Stories is a home for “tried and true” IU spirit.

Of, by, and for IU alumni and friends, Pride of IU Stories are shared through a collaboration of the Indiana University Alumni Association and the Indiana University Foundation.

Look around. Discover something you didn’t know about IU. Pick up a few pointers from IU experts.

Pride of IU Stories is your connection to the university you love.

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