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8 Results for

8 Results for

8 Results for

Scholarship recipient Melyse Ishimwe poses with Ilene and Rick Sheffer.

Ilene G. and Richard D. Sheffer Rwandese Scholarship

This endowed fund supports scholarships for IU South Bend undergraduates, including those in Michiana related to survivors of Rwanda’s 1994 genocide.

IU South Bend Academic Centers for Excellence

Gifts will be used for the general support of the Academic Centers for Excellence at IU South Bend.

Robin Borr Memorial Scholarship

Gifts will support scholarships for undergraduate students at IU South Bend.

IUSB General Scholarship Fund

Gifts will support undergraduate and graduate scholarships for students at IU South Bend.
A Black student shakes hands with a recruiter at a job fair on campus.

IU South Bend Black Council Scholarship

Gifts will support scholarships for students attending IU South Bend.

Chad Edward Pearson Memorial Scholarship

Income from gifts will support scholarships for students at IU South Bend who have expressed intention to pursue a career in human services, public service, or education. Additional requirements must be met for students to receive funding.

Thomas Smith Memorial Fund

Gifts will support awards, fellowships or scholarships for students enrolled at IU South Bend.

"Your Dreams are Possible" Karen White Scholarship

Gifts support scholarships for sophomores at IU South Bend who are 21st Century Scholars with a minimum GPA of 2.5 and engaged in community service. Special consideration will be given to underrepresented populations. Additional requirements also apply.