Make a gift

Please find and select the fund(s) you want to support.

5 Results for

5 Results for

5 Results for

Speakers Fund

Gifts to this account will be used to provide funding to bring professionals to campus throughout the year to be a guest speaker in classes, give a seminar, provide hands-on instruction in video production, or game-design, and web-design classes.

Dick Yoakam Technology Fund

Income from these gifts will support equipment needs for programs associated with the undergraduate and/or graduate Media major in The Media School within the College of Arts and Sciences.

Communication Science and Media Arts Enrichment Fund

Gifts will support the Communication Science and Media Arts & Production units at the discretion of the Dean of The Media School within the College of Arts and Sciences.

LeRoy Bannerman Award in Innovative Audio

Gifts to this account will be used to support awards to students, within the Department of Telecommunications. Specific criteria must be met in order for student to receive funding.

Donald E. Agostino Memorial Scholarship

Income from these gifts will be used to support undergraduate scholarships within the Media School. Specific criteria must be met in order for student to receive funding.